December 31, 2016

me, bitter? no way

when was the last time i did anything realistic lmao

December 28, 2016

Way To Go, Buddy

hey lookit i've finally drawn Tiff after, what, 15 years?? dang

December 24, 2016

Dan VS. OT3s

I can't believe I have an uncommon ot3 in a dead fandom for a forgotten show
(I'm not gonna stop shipping it though 😎)

December 22, 2016

so . . . how's life?

recently i've been quite bitter on the inside
at least i can bottle it up and keep it to myself

December 18, 2016

She is the Joy and the Laughter

a cleaned up doodle of my fave powerpuff gal growing up

December 16, 2016

It's Juice 'n' Jam Time

*deep breath*
I just love Pan-Pizza's artstyle so much
I wish I could draw in it better

(in case you were wondering why it's been a while since I made new art: I'm working on a Dan Vs. animatic and since I'm syncing it up to a song, it's been taking forever lol)

December 9, 2016

Doodle for Google 2016

My entry for this year's Doodle for Google contest!
I've already submitted it; now all there's left to do is to wait for the results!
It'll be announced in February 2017. Wish me luck! c:

December 2, 2016

roobs and soops

ive been sick for the past couple days ;-;