January 27, 2017


redesigned my boo because her old design is a little all over the place

January 25, 2017


cheap commission for an irl pal

January 22, 2017

Fahrenheit 451

I promise this blog's not dead I'm just lazy
so we've been reading Fahrenheit 451 in school and i drew Montag & Millie on my study guide days ago, so take this doodle as an apology for being inactive this month
(the quote is right from the book)

January 20, 2017

mp100 doodle dump

art-wise this month has been slow
but hey at least i drew something

i'm only 3 episodes into mp100 though haha

January 7, 2017

Oka Shut Your Mouth

when you like your goth friend but you wanna strangle her