February 9, 2016

Sketch Dump!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while! School and homework, y'know? Anyway, enjoy these doodles from my sketchbook! I was in a major SU mood, in case you cannot tell. I can't pick a favorite gem, but I will admit that Pearl is the most fun to draw! I also couldn't help myself from designing a bunch of different Kohls, inspired by both Blue Pearl and Yellow Pearl. Making the design for a Greaser Kohl and a Crystal Gem Kohl was great fun!

In case you're wondering, the 3rd picture is a character from a story I'm fleshing out. His name is Wally and he's a little punk who's telepathic, I'll be sure to add him to my OC's post later on, as well as his roommate, so be on the lookout for that!

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